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How to Be a Light in India

India has grown on me.

I was so overwhelmed the first couple of days with the traffic and the pollution, but now it’s almost normal to me. I no longer flinch when our auto driver cruises along on the wrong way of the street or when people pull out in front of busy traffic like it’s nothing. I don’t feel like a walking target every time I walk on the street anymore. Sure, everyone is staring at us, but if we actually initiate conversation, they are quite friendly. And the kids… oh goodness, they are just something else. I have such a heart for kids and the joy these Indian children have are like no other. They make my heart so happy.

God is doing some pretty amazing things in and through our team. I’ve had spiritual highs, but also some spiritual lows. Working with the kids from Sarah’s Covenant Homes always leaves me filled with joy. I would have never imagined me working with kids with special needs, but it’s amazing how God can change someone. Being able to see this country, the lights, the busyness, the colors, the beauty; has been a blessing in itself.

But it hasn’t all been easy. The fact that there are 330 million “gods” Indians worship has been heavy on my heart. A few days ago, we went to a mosque. That day was the hardest for our team. You could just feel darkness and Satan’s presence the moment you entered the premises. And for me, it wasn’t a darkness that stayed at the mosque. You could feel it walking through the streets. You could sense it the moment you locked eyes with someone.

It is everywhere in India and the hardest part is feeling helpless among it all.

I can’t just walk up to anyone I want and tell them about Jesus, the one true God, like I can in other countries. In this culture, that is disrespectful and we must be good witnesses. But here is what I can do:

I can show who Jesus is through me by my words, actions, and love. Showing manners and being kind here seems to be rare qualities, so by doing these it already sets us apart. It is not in human nature to desire to go to a third world country and live uncomfortably when you have everything you could ever need in your own country. People see 9 foreigners and know it’s strange.

I’ve noticed that every one of them is drawn to us. Is it the light Jesus is shining through us? I’d like to think so.

This is why we’re here – not to preach the gospel on every street corner or shove our religion down their throat but to BE THE LIGHT. To BE LOVE!! This is what God has called all Christians to do, missionaries or not.

“Let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your father in heaven.” -Matthew 5:16

Do I desire to introduce them to the God that loves and adores them so dearly? Yes. Yes a million times! But the truth of the matter is that conversion is illegal in much of India and it is considered disrespectful. So instead, our team can build relationships and show Jesus through everything we do.

And pray. Pray like we’ve never prayed before. As we’re holding the child with cerebral palsy. As we’re bartering at the market for the best deal. As we’re walking or driving through the slums. The power of prayer is so mighty and God is using it. He is using US! Though we may not see the fruit we are producing, we are planting seeds – and how important that is for the kingdom of God!